Download “Veterans Embrace the power of Art” from

This article highlights the Veterans participation in Veterans Empowered Through Art (V.E.T. Art), with the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Accessible Programs Workshops.

Download “Creative Legal Management, The Lawyer as Artist: Improving the Way Lawyers Think” and “Seeing the Invisible: Why Lawyers Need to Understand Paradigms

In 2000, Janice designed and gave a two-day seminar with Norman Clark of Altman Weil Inc., entitled “Creative Legal Management,” for the US Navy Mid-Atlantic Region’s Judge Advocate Generals (JAGs).  This seminar linked the thinking process used in drawing with creative problem-solving.

Download “Accessible Wellness Workshops at the Philadelphia Museum of Art” 

The article summarizes her insights from her work creating workshops for groups with cognitive and communication disabilities for Accessible Programs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art since 1998.